About Lingual Orthodontics Course
Course Description
The course will deal with the evolution of Orthodontics from accurate laboratory techniques for occlusion set-up for indirect bracket bonding or clear aligner manufacturing to the very advanced 3D techniques which are available today. What are the advantages we can gain with the modern technologies and how one can implement it in his daily work. The workflow of digital 3D planning, printing and create modifications throughout the whole treatment including in Retention phase will be reviewed in details with numerous cases in 2 days of invisible orthodontics- lingual orthodontics and clear aligners.
You will learn….
In Lingual Day:
- From 2D to 3D- The evolution of bracket and wire systems
- Biomechanics- the limitations and the advantages of the lingual technique Vs. Buccal
- Digital Treatment workflow
- Cases presentation
In Clear aligners day
- Intra-oral scanning- not only to replace PVS impressions..!
- Clear aligners’ principles- is it different from bracket system
- Digital smile design with clear aligners
- Attachments- why we need it and how to plan them?
- Clear aligners advantages and limitations
- Cases presentations